Who We Are


New Brunswick Deaf and Hard of Hearing people/ Services aux Sourds et Malentendants du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc. (NBDHHS/SSMNB) was formed in 2018

The agency’s goal remains the same to enable deaf hard of hearing and deafened people to live independent productive lives, with full access to the services and opportunities available to the hearing populations.

To accomplish this, our new vision is to foster self-sufficiency through transitional and early intervention services bridging the gap between the hearing and hard of hearing/Deaf world.

In Jan of 2018 a new era began with the formation of New Brunswick Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services/ Services aux Sourds et Malentendants du Nouveau-Brunswick Inc. (NBDHHS/SSMNB); with the amalgamation of Saint John Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc. (1979) and South East Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Inc. (1985). With the ever-growing needs of the Deaf, Deafened and Hard of Hearing people of New Brunswick it was felt that the best way to augment and standardize the awareness, advocacy, programs and services within the province of NB was to amalgamate and become one voice.

We integrated 75 years of a cumulative shared experience of offering support, advocacy, direct and indirect client services, interpreter services, assistive technology, employment support services, social development, community development, literacy, life skills training, Language Classes and Baby/Toddler Sign Language Classes, Parenting Programs for parents of Deaf children, and Deaf Culture Awareness.

Our strategic plan focuses on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Seniors and youth; cultural linguistic appropriate mental health services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals; and building a greater capacity of Deaf and Hard of Hearing professionals to deliver transitional services at all aspects of life.

We have offices in Saint John, Fredericton and Moncton. We offer services in both official languages as well as American Sign Language (ASL) and langue des signes Quebecoise (LSQ). We provided services to over 600 clients and their families.